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以公交车IC 卡和GPS数据为基础,提出了一种基于改进粒子群算法优化极限学习机(IPSO-ELM)的公交站点短时客流预测模型.依托IC 卡和GPS 数据在站点的特征表现和内在联系,定义了站点间距,并分析了站间距和车辆到总站距离间的联系;提出了公交乘客上车站点确定方法,进而得到公交站点上车客流量;通过分析公交客流数据特征,确定ELM输入参数维度,并采用IPSO 算法找到ELM的最优隐含层节点参数;最后依托广州市19 路公交车客流数据仓库进行了方法验证.结果表明:所用优化后的ELM方法预测误差在10%以内,并与应用广泛的SVM、ARIMA和传统ELM模型进行对比分析,发现改进的ELM方法拥有更高的可靠性和泛化性能.  相似文献   
在当前基于交叉路口的城市车辆自组织网络(VANETs)路由协议中,道路上数据包传输大多采用基于地理位置的贪婪转发策略,当数据量较大时,个别节点负载较重,极易引起传输延迟增大乃至丢包的情况.本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的源路由机制,通过记录单体车辆的驾驶信息而非传统方法中的车流均值数据,来预测道路上车辆网络的连通情况,并借助遗传算法,首次基于道路连通性、节点负载和连接跳数这3 点综合考虑,计算得出道路上最佳的源路由节点序列.仿真实验结果表明,在传输率与延迟时间上,性能均优于传统的贪婪路由机制,尤其在车流量为250 veh· lane-1· h-1时,传输率提升约13%.该研究可为智能交通信息通讯提供可靠助力.  相似文献   
随着我国城市群的发展,区域内部各城市之间的客流需求不断增长,城际铁路作为城市间出行的主要方式,客流在高峰、低谷时段具有明显的不均衡性。为了更加平稳有序地提供高质量服务,充分发挥票价调节供需匹配关系的作用,对城际铁路分时定价策略进行研究,构建不同时刻、不同运输方式的旅客出行广义费用函数,建立双层规划模型,优化不同时段城际铁路票价,并结合Frank-Wolfe算法和带有惯性权重的粒子群算法,求解双层规划模型。最后,以京津城际铁路为例,验证了分时定价策略可以使客流分布更加均衡,并提高铁路运输部门收益。  相似文献   
城市快速路高峰时段已经呈现出常态性拥堵,对快速路主线拥堵进行疏导尤为必要.本文通过在主线和入口匝道进行三级交通检测判别,设计了多级联动的信号控制流程与实现方式,构建了不同拥堵程度下的分级响应控制策略,基于瓶颈点通行能力最大化下的实时信号控制算法及最大排队长度限制下的实时信号控制算法,建立了主线及匝道车道开关闭、汇合处信号灯控制、主线动态限速、交通信息诱导等于一体的快速路级联信号控制方法.仿真分析结果表明,在主线不同拥堵程度下采取的级联信号控制方法,可以有效提升快速路主线平均车速,并未导致匝道排队的恶化,局部路网平均延误均有明显降低.  相似文献   
以提高高铁快运当日达产品的时效性、收益率为核心,对既有载客动车组捎带模式下的快捷货物输送方案进行优化。借助时空网络以列车运行成本与时间惩罚费用之和最小为目标,同时满足货主时限、列车容量以及列车停站方案等约束,建立输送方案优化模型,通过匈牙利算法,并借助Matlab的Yalmip工具箱求解模型。以兰州西站至天水南站、宝鸡南站及西安北站部分时间段的快捷货物运输需求为背景进行算例分析,验证模型的有效性。结果表明合理估算列车装载容量及货物的延迟时限对输送方案的选择起重要作用。  相似文献   
杨奕飞  冯静 《船舶工程》2018,40(3):68-72
船舶动力设备因故障监测信号样本少、变化缓慢且数据特征呈非线性,使得设备故障模式的准确识别和状态预测比较难。鉴于此,文章研究了基于隐马尔科夫模型的故障模式识别方法,利用该模型将微弱变化的信号特征转换为变化较大的对数似然概率对故障模式实现有效识别。在此基础上进一步提出基于HMM-SVR的设备状态预测模型,将遗传算法用于支持向量回归模型参数寻优,并结合隐马尔科夫模型,实现对设备状态的预测。对船用柴油机进行仿真,结果表明上述模型具有较高的识别率,能准确预测船舶动力设备的当前状态。  相似文献   
Adjusting traffic signal timings is a practical way for agencies to manage urban traffic without the need for significant infrastructure investments. Signal timings are generally selected to minimize the total control delay vehicles experience at an intersection, particularly when the intersection is isolated or undersaturated. However, in practice, there are many other potential objectives that might be considered in signal timing design, including: total passenger delay, pedestrian delays, delay inequity among competing movements, total number of stopping maneuvers, among others. These objectives do not tend to share the same relationships with signal timing plans and some of these objectives may be in direct conflict. The research proposes the use of a new multi-objective optimization (MOO) visualization technique—the mosaic plot—to easily quantify and identify significant tradeoffs between competing objectives using the set of Pareto optimal solutions that are normally provided by MOO algorithms. Using this tool, methods are also proposed to identify and remove potentially redundant or unnecessary objectives that do not have any significant tradeoffs with others in an effort to reduce problem dimensionality. Since MOO procedures will still be needed if more than one objective remains and MOO algorithms generally provide a set of candidate solutions instead of a single final solution, two methods are proposed to rank the set of Pareto optimal solutions based on how well they balance between the competing objectives to provide a final recommendation. These methods rely on converting the objectives to dimensionless values based on the optimal value for each specific objectives, which allows for direct comparison between and weighting of each. The proposed methods are demonstrated using a simple numerical example of an undersaturated intersection where all objectives can be analytically obtained. However, they can be readily applied to other signal timing problems where objectives can be obtained using simulation outputs to help identify the signal timing plan that provides the most reasonable tradeoff between competing objectives.  相似文献   
In this paper, the location of emergency service (ES) vehicles is studied on fully connected networks. Queuing theory is utilized to obtain the performance metrics of the system. An approximate queuing model the (AQM) is proposed. For the AQM, different service rate formulations are constructed. These formulations are tested with a simulation study for different approximation levels. A mathematical model is proposed to minimize the mean response time of ES systems based on AQM. In the model, multiple vehicles are allowed at a single location. The objective function of the model has no closed form expression. A genetic algorithm is constructed to solve the model. With the help of the genetic algorithm, the effect of assigning multiple vehicles on the mean response time is reported.  相似文献   
In this research, we present a data-splitting algorithm to optimally solve the aircraft sequencing problem (ASP) on a single runway under both segregated and mixed-mode of operation. This problem is formulated as a 0–1 mixed-integer program (MIP), taking into account several realistic constraints, including safety separation standards, wide time-windows, and constrained position shifting, with the objective of maximizing the total throughput. Varied scenarios of large scale realistic instances of this problem, which is NP-hard in general, are computationally difficult to solve with the direct use of commercial solver as well as existing state-of-the-art dynamic programming method. The design of the algorithm is based on a recently introduced data-splitting algorithm which uses the divide-and-conquer paradigm, wherein the given set of flights is divided into several disjoint subsets, each of which is optimized using 0–1 MIP while ensuring the optimality of the entire set. Computational results show that the difficult instances can be solved in real-time and the solution is efficient in comparison to the commercial solver and dynamic programming, using both sequential, as well as parallel, implementation of this pleasingly parallel algorithm.  相似文献   
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